Speaking of Education

The annual meeting for the Lake Holcombe School District will be held in the Elementary IMC on Monday, October 24th, 2022 at 6:00PM. The annual meeting is an opportunity for the electors of the school district to participate in the process of approving a budget for the operation of their local school district. The following is an overview of how the budget has come together for the 2022-23 school year. Budget books are available in the school office or on the district’s website at www.lakeholcombe.k12.wi.us. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

The 2022 general fund revenue limit for the Lake Holcombe School District is $3,892,123. This includes a three year $875,000 non-recurring referendum to exceed revenue limits. This is the first year of the existing referendum to exceed revenue limits.  We certainly appreciate the support of the electors. The state budget included a per member revenue increase of $0 (zero). This is the second year there was no increase in per member revenue. This is going to create future budget challenges for all Wisconsin school districts.  The community service fund levy is proposed to be $75,000. The October 15 certified amount of state aid is projected at $107,808.  This is down from the 2021-22 state aid amount of $126,833.  The mill rate for tax year 2022 is projected to be $6.79 per thousand. The owner of a $100,000 house will pay $679 in school taxes. This is down from 2021 when the school tax/mill rate was $8.11. The October 1 equalized value of the Lake Holcombe School District is $583,773,743. This is up from the October 2021 equalized value which was $489,703,994. The budget serves as a management tool to guide and direct the financial operations of the school district. There certainly will be changes to revenues and expenses as the year progresses. 

The district continues to be vibrant and successful. This year we welcomed several new staff who have chosen to be a part of our team. Numerous curriculum updates have been implemented including a new PK-8 English Language Arts curriculum. Technology infrastructure and hardware updates have been implemented. We continue to use our capital improvement fund (Fund 46) to complete deferred maintenance projects. This summer we were able to put new roofs on three more sections of the school building. Additionally we concerted all HVAC controls from pneumatic to digital controls. More building and infrastructure projects are planned for this year.


The students and staff of the Lake Holcombe School District appreciate the continued support from the electors of the Lake Holcombe School District.