Lake Holcombe
National Honor Society
Advisor- Mrs. Crosby
Membership Expectations
NHS members are expected to lead by example, both in civic responsibility, scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
Requirements for continued membership:
maintain a 3.5 grade point average. A member may drop below 3.5 GPA for one semester, failure to bring GPA back to 3.5 will result in membership being revoked.
participate in two service or volunteer experiences per year.
Qualifications of Membership
3.5 grade point average
have at least two leadership experiences
have a least two service or volunteer experiences
participated in at least two activities in or out of school
Applications are offered to all sophomore, junior, and senior students with a qualifying GPA after third quarter grades are posted. Applications are reviewed by a faculty committee and membership is offered to those who qualify.
Induction Ceremony
Induction into the Lake Holcombe National Honor Society is in the spring. New members and officers for the next school year are inducted into membership or their office at this time.
NHS Creed
Statements of Character, Leadership, Scholarship, Service
Membership Violations
Membership may be revoked or the student may be placed on probation if any of the following occur:
school activities code violation; penalty to be determined by faculty committee and school principal.
grade point drops below 3.5. Should the GPA drop below 3.5 the student will have one semester to bring the GPA back up; should that fail to happen the student is removed from NHS and is not able to reapply.
NHS Officers & Duties
Criteria for being an officer: have been a member for at least one year, be a senior, be in good standing without previous violations.
Conducts meetings
With help of leadership team, plans and organizes activities during the year, including blood drives.
Serves as a liaison with the advisor and school administration.
Responsible for planning and participating in all special ceremonies
Participates as a good member throughout the year
Takes over when the president is absent
Attends all meetings and participates as a good member throughout the year
May be expected to chair certain committees
Keeps and updates files of all yearly projects
Responsible for participating in all special ceremonies
Takes minutes of meetings; minutes added to a shared Google document.
Responsible for publicizing NHS events, such as blood drives, induction ceremony
Responsible for writing appropriate thank you notes throughout the year
Responsible for participating in all special ceremonies
Attends all meetings and participates as a good member throughout the year
Responsible for keeping record of attendance at meeting and events
Responsible for securing purchase orders form the office when authorized by the advisor
Attends all meetings and participates as a good member throughout the year
Responsible for participating in all special ceremonies
Volunteer Opportunities:
DoSomething members join our volunteer, social change, and civic action campaigns to make real-world impact on causes they care about. Supported by National NHS.